
Did you know that you can receive a massage while listening to literally any kind of music?


At Mantis, your massage is all about you.  But did you know that? I mean really know that?  There are tons of ways to customize your massage. We want your session to be as unique as you are.  


Each of our therapists has her own personal style, and that will probably be reflected in the music that she chooses for your session.  But there’s the key, the music is a choice. At Mantis, we don’t impose music on our therapists, they get to choose it. As therapists, sometimes we remember to ask you about your music preference, and sometimes we don’t.  As a client, you might not even have a music preference, and making too many choices before your session can start to feel like work - we DEFINITELY don’t want that. But maybe you do have a music preference. Maybe you just came from a fantastic SXSW jam session from this AMAZING new artist that you just discovered via your new best friend that you just met at the Westworld interactive.  If it can be found on Spotify, then it can be played during your massage session. But also! If for some reason it can’t be found on Spotify, but it has found its way onto your iphone, you’re in luck. Our sound systems are equipped to hook up to your phone too! (*apple products only*) Volume is also totally customizable. Some clients have even been known to choose no music at all, which is totally allowed!



I heard once that in every room with at least 3 people in it, statistically you will find that ⅓ of the people are too cold, ⅓ are too hot, and ⅓ are just right.  It’s the story of Goldilocks and indoor climate control. The great thing about your massage session is that in this case, you are in charge. We’ve got heating pads on every massage table, and all have multiple heat settings.  We’ve also got warm, cozy blankets and optional hot towels. If heat just isn’t your thing, we also have fans in every room. Basically, no matter where you fall on the super scientific Goldilocks Heat Spectrum, we’ve got you covered.  


Sometimes, your whole body hurts.  That’s why you came in for a massage, amirite?  But sometimes, your body feels pretty great. Except for that one thing, which hurts like an evil demon of tension has gotten a hold of this one part of your body and just won’t let go.  (Is it possible to just chop off a chunk of my shoulder so I can go about my day?) Basically, we can spend your session giving an even balance of attention to your whole body, or, we can delve into your problem areas and exorcise the demon.  However we spend the focus of your session is totally up to you.

And on that note, it’s Spring!  Which means everything is, well, blooming.  If you are an allergy sufferer and just don’t want to spend any time with your face down, that’s ok!  Or maybe you’d rather spend all of the time with your face down to get your drainage going. Don't worry, we have tissues!  Just let us know what works for you and we’ll get you set up so you’re nice and cozy.  We can also change out our bolsters for pillows or set you up in side lying position. If you’ve got a bun in the oven, let us know when booking and we can make sure that a super qualified prenatal therapist sets you up with the level of bolstering that you need to keep you and your baby-to-be comfy and supported.    

UNDER wap, do do do do do (I’m not a musician, ok?)

Here at Mantis, we specialize in Deep Tissue.  But that doesn’t mean that’s the only thing we know how to do.  Maybe you usually like deeper pressure, but this week you’re recovering from all the hard work you’ve been doing festival hopping.  We can adjust accordingly and give you a nice relaxing massage to bring you back to yourself again.  Or maybe all that head-banging has beckoned the afore mentioned demon.  We've got the leverage to push it back out.  

This is one of the most important parts of the massage to customize.  Pressure is totally subjective, and sometimes different areas of the body need to be addressed differently.  I usually offer my clients a menu of pressure choices that go in order of intensity from Light to Medium to Firm to Deep.  Let us know what you like and what you don’t.


Soothing Lavender.  Peppy Peppermint. Some people totally dig essential oils.  Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool to alleviate stress. Research has even shown that intensive sniffing of lavender oils can help with some of the symptoms of PMS.  However great some people find essential oils to be, some people just don’t like them. Hormones can have a startling effect on your senses and if you’re pregnant, ovulating, or experiencing menopause, you can be super sensitive to strong smells.  We want you to smell nice..things. We want you to smell the things you want to smell and not smell the things you don’t. So let us know what’s going on in that ol' olfactory factory of yours.



I've mentioned this before, but I think it's worth sounding like a broken record.  Eyes may be the window into the soul, but straight up verbal communication is like a breezy open doorway.  If you tell us about your individual needs, we will do our best to deliver.  But if you never tell us, we'll never know.  This is your therapy session.  Let it be as therapeutic for you as it possibly can be.  


(Just A Few) Health Benefits of Massage

Photo credit hannah h.

Photo credit hannah h.

So you know that massage feels good.  And that might be enough to keep coming back for more.  But did you also know that massage is good for you? Massage has a TON of health benefits for the body.  This week we’re going to take some time to name just a few.


Massage helps relieve muscle tension, whether that tension stems from an injury, postural issues, or just from hitting the gym hard and heavy.  Or from hitting Jim hard and heavy (oh, for the love of puns!).  Whatever the source of your muscle tension, massage communicates with your nervous system and says, “Hey muscles, you can let go now.  I’ve got it from here,”. 


In fact, what usually causes that sudden muscle ache is that a muscle (often Levator Scapulae - a topic for another post!) becomes overstretched or strained in some way.  The wisdom of our bodies will tell this muscle that there is some sort of danger present, and the muscle will contract in order to protect itself.  Which is great! This prevents tears or further muscle strain, and keeps you from becoming Stretch Armstrong.  

What’s not great is that sometimes, even once the danger has passed, the muscle stays contracted.  It doesn’t always know when to let go. The muscle contraction is what hurts, because your blood flow has been interrupted.  Because it takes energy to maintain a muscle contraction, this can also cause fatigue - either limited to the muscle itself, or if enough of your muscles are stuck in contraction, all over body fatigue.  And that’s where massage comes in. As Massage Therapists, we are using pressure (or other various massage techniques) to actually communicate, through the sensors in your muscles, with your nervous system.  The message is that the danger has passed, and that it is ok to let go. Your sensors go, “Ohhhh...right”, and then your muscles go, “Ahhhh..” as the muscle contraction is released and the pain dissipates.  

So by relieving muscle tension, massage in turn also helps promote better blood flow, ease fatigue, improve sleep, improve heart health, and give your skin a nice rosy glow of vitality.  



It feels good to feel good!  Why this might seem like a simple detail, taking time for yourself to do something that feels good has tremendous psychological benefits.  You could be rewarding yourself for reaching a goal or completing a job well done. Or it could be that you are simply nourishing yourself and listening to your body’s needs.   Either way, doing something that feels good is a great way to affirm yourself in a positive way. It reinforces the idea that you deserve good things, because you do!


Stress is one of those concepts that is so common that we seldom give it much thought.  But what is stress? Is it an emotion or a physiological process? In short, it’s both. Stress in the body is actually a response to a stressor.  Sometimes that stressor is psychological, sometimes it’s physical. Either way, the body will respond physically to this stressor, which in turn can also have an emotional effect on our well-being.  Sometimes it can feel like you’re going in circles!


The good news is that massage is great for stress!  While the physical touch of your Massage Therapist initiates a chain reaction of relaxation in the body, your mind is also attended to by the act of stopping and slowing down.  By taking a mini vacation from the physical and emotional stressors in your life, you begin to break the hold that stress has on you. Basically, you’re still going in circles, but in the opposite direction.  The more relaxed you are, the less stress you will feel, which will make you more relaxed, and… you get the idea.

What is this cupping thing anyway?


If you watched any of the 2016 Summer Olympic games, or saw the Lady Gaga Netflix documentary Five Foot Two, chances are you’ve seen those weird hickey-like circles on people’s backs.  And if that’s the case, chances are you’ve heard of cupping, and wondered to yourself, “What the heck is that stuff all about anyway?”

Turns out Cupping Therapy has been around literally thousands of years.  It has just become more widely known recently because, well, the internet & social media.  


First of all, what IS cupping?


Cupping therapy is a bodywork modality that uses negative pressure (produced by using suction cups), rather than tissue compression, to facilitate rigid soft tissue release and to loosen and lift connective tissue while increasing localized blood and lymph flow to the skin and muscles.  

Dry cupping, using glass, plastic, or silicone cups uses either a small amount of heat to create a vacuum, or a manual or electronic air pump to suck out the air in the cups to create the suction needed to lift the skin and fascia away from the bones and muscles.  It’s like massage in the reverse.  Instead of applying a positive pressure to push the soft tissues around, it uses a negative pressure to lift and move them around.  Neat, huh?


And WHAT’S with the weird circles?


According to, clients may “experience a slight twinge when the skin is pulled up by suction. Because the skin is tugged upwards, sometimes tiny capillaries under the surface of the skin tend to expand, and after the cup is removed, patients might notice a circular bruise accompanied by some amount of swelling.”  The bruises will heal on their own and usually disappear completely within anywhere from a few days to a week or two.  

But don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt like it looks like it does.  During the time that the cups are working, you feel a slight negative pressure - just like you feel pressure from a massage.  You’ll definitely feel it.  And yeah it can sort of be uncomfortable. But it doesn’t feel like a punch in the back (which is honestly what I was picturing the first time I saw these bruises!)  It just feels like someone is lifting your stuck muscles away from each other.  This can feel like a rush of relief as the tightness dissipates and new fresh blood rushes into your sore, tired muscles.  


So WHY do therapists offer cupping?

Cupping therapy can relieve blood stagnation, improve blood circulation, decrease high blood pressure, loosen connective tissue, promote healing and relaxation, and aid in your body’s natural detoxification.  


WHERE do I find this fantastic treatment?  

At Mantis, we have several therapists that offer Cupping Therapy!  Swing by our South Congress location to see Khammi, Julia, or Melissa.  Closer to our Airport location?  Melissa works there too!  If you know ahead of time that you want cupping, mention it in the notes when you book!


Less Stress = Better Massage

Zen Toolbox.jpg

Adulting is hard.  Life can be stressful at times (or let’s be honest, all the time!), because there are seemingly always more things that are constantly demanding our attention beyond the task at hand.  While our initial instinct may be to simply avoid all of the things in our lives that are causing us stress, this can start to be a problem when it becomes necessary to leave the house.  (This is why in my next life I’m coming back as a house cat!)

So unless your new hobby is learning how to be a hermit (and you’re lucky enough to have someone shop your Fancy Feast for you), learning how to deal with stress is a must.  As we mentioned in a previous post, while a single massage is great for reducing stress and increasing general well-being, whatever part of your lifestyle created the tension in your body to begin with may still be waiting for you after you leave your session.  Incorporating regular massage sessions into your routine is a great addition to your zen toolbox.  And your sessions will be even more beneficial if they are joined by several other stress management techniques.  


Yes, it seems like it should be second nature.  And it is, at a bare minimum.  But if you take a little bit of space in your mind to just notice your breathing, it’s amazing how often we’re not really doing it.  Sometimes, you may notice that you’re actually holding your breath without even realizing it.  Long, slow, deep breaths are a great way to calm the body and the mind.  And it takes less time than refilling your cup of coffee.  


Aerial Inertia.jpg

A body in motion stays in motion, and a body at rest stays at rest.  For some people, this means that they tend to flit like a hummingbird from task to task, while for others this means that once you sit down to work on that important project you just don’t get up until quitin’ time.  Both have their occasional benefits, but the body works best when in balance.  If your life requires you to spend a lot of time in stillness, a few minutes of movement every hour can help keep away brain fog and increase your breathing.  If your lifestyle involves constant movement, even a few minutes to stop, stay still and take in your surroundings can do wonders for your blood pressure.  Personally, I use my dog for this because well, she’s gorgeous.  Every time we go for a walk, I make her sit for a few minutes at this one intersection before we cross the street.  And I just look at her, sitting peacefully, ready to attend to the next task as it comes along.


Humans are a tremendously creative species.  We are not about sticking to the status quo, and are constantly exploring new ways of doing things.  This is why I am using a keyboard to type out a message to send out to all of you on the interwebs.  That creativity can take an abundance of forms, but research has shown that working with your hands makes you feel good.  Check out this great read from the Guardian on how (not) to become a stonemason.  From knitting to making music to building tacos, whatever hobby gives you the feels, working with your hands can help clear your mind and give you a boost of confidence and purpose.  Hint: This is part of why I became a massage therapist in the first place...


Preparation for Massage First-Timers:

Art by fernando vincente

Art by fernando vincente

So, your body is feeling sore and achy.  You want to feel better (feeling better just, feels better, doesn’t it?!) and your friend or co-worker who gets massages allllll the time asks you everyday if you’ve gotten your massage yet.  You’ve had a friend rub your shoulders once or twice.  And it felt amazing!  But here’s the thing, you’ve never ever gotten even one professional massage before.  Ever.  And you don’t know if you know how.  

That’s where we come in!  Lots of people have never had a massage before, you’re not alone!  At Mantis, we’re all about spreading the joy of massage.  We KNOW how good it feels.  We know about the multitude of benefits that your body will experience, from one session, and especially from a regular regime of adding massage to your newfound health and wellness lifestyle.  

We want you to be as comfortable as possible, so that you can get the most out of your session.  This is YOUR massage, and it’s all about your comfort level.  One of the most widespread and beneficial effects of massage is stress reduction and relaxation.  Stress is no joke, and the buildup of stress over time is toxic to your body.  So PLEASE, don’t stress about how to get a massage.  We’ve done all the research for you (srsly I get a massage monthly, at a minimum!), and here’s what you gotta do:


No, you don’t have to shave your legs.  

No matter where you fall on the spectrum of gender and the feminine, there will ALWAYS be people with legs hairier than yours.  And our therapists DON’T CARE if your legs are hairy.   

If you do a workout before your massage, it’s important that you leave about an hour between the end of your workout and the start of your session.  Putting pressure on muscles that have just finished a workout can throw them into spasm, which hurts!  Incidentally this also should be just enough time for a quick shower, or at least give time for your sweat to dry.  Every treatment room is equipped with essential oils, if deodorant just isn’t your thing.  



If it’s your first appointment with us, we have a super simple, stress free, one-pager for you to fill out so that we can get to know you better.  We also have a cozy, wonderful smelling  lounge-y lobby, with filtered water and hot tea available.  

Massage with a full bladder is no bueno.  We recommend trying to use our restroom before your massage, however if you do find that you need to relieve yourself during a session, just let your therapist know.  We have a cozy bathrobe you can wear while you sprint to the potty.  

Once your therapist has introduced herself, she’ll invite you into the treatment room to discuss any particulars about how your body is feeling.  Sometimes the thing that was hurting last week when you made the appointment isn’t hurting anymore, and there’s this new thing that hurts.  That’s totally fine.  At Mantis, we meet you where you’re at in the present moment, and address whatever needs you may currently have.  

After a brief chat, your therapist will exit the room, allowing you a few minutes to undress and get settled.  No, you don’t have to get naked.  Once again, this is YOUR massage, and it’s all about your comfort level.  Take off as much clothing as you feel comfortable.  For most people, this will mean skimming down to your undies or getting naked.  Either way, your special parts will be covered THE ENTIRE TIME.  You’ll be under a sheet and a blanket, and our therapists are experts at moving around your limbs and tucking the sheet “just so” so that coverage is constant and secure.  If you need to leave a bra on, do it.  We’ll adjust.  



I cannot emphasize it enough, communication is sooooo important.  Maybe the bolster is uncomfortable, maybe the table is too warm, the music too loud, or you’re just not a fan of essential oils (or you’re a super fan!).  While our therapists will do their best to ask all the right questions, we too are human and may have overlooked something.  If there is any kind of adjustment that will make you more comfortable and reduce your stress, please let us know.  We’re not mind readers (and most of us wouldn’t want to be anyway!).  The same goes for pressure.  PLEASE let us know if you would like more or less pressure.  We won’t be offended!  Every person’s body is different and the experience of pressure is totally subjective.


At Mantis Massage, we specialize in Deep Tissue.  But that doesn’t mean that’s the only thing we know how to do.  Maybe you usually like deeper pressure, but this week you’re recovering from the flu (Flupocalypse 2018 anybody?) we can adjust accordingly and give you a nice relaxing massage to bring you back to yourself again.  

Pressure is, again, totally subjective.  I usually offer my clients a menu of pressure choices that go in order of intensity from Light to Medium to Firm to Deep.  No matter what’s happening, if you don’t like it, please, please, please tell us.  

Bodies are super interesting and another crazy thing that happens is that some parts of our bodies can handle more pressure than others.  Pressure feels great on your shoulders, but your hamstrings are super sensitive?  Let us know! We’ll adjust accordingly.  




Hydration is the key to most things in life, and massage is no exception.  Massage is like a passive workout for your body.  During your session we’ve increased blood circulation, improved your range of motion, and increased your breathing.  All of these things take water to accomplish.  Your body needs more of it.  Drink more water!

If this is your first massage, and especially if you asked us for deep pressure, you may find that you have some soreness after your massage.  This is totally normal, and should not be a cause for concern.  There are a few easy things that you can do to alleviate any soreness.  

Take an Epsom Salt bath.  

Stir 2 cups of Epsom Salt (can be found in most grocery stores) into a hot bath.  Sit and relax for at least 20 minutes to feel the benefits of reduced inflammation.  

Take Vitamin C.  

This great vitamin has a host of health benefits including improved mood and reduced pain.  

Sleep on your back.

Remember that position that we had you in where you were flat on your back, with a bolster or pillow underneath your knees?  We do this because it is the optimal position that takes pressure off of your spine and doesn’t put unnecessary pressure on your shoulder joints.


Massage is best experienced as an addition to your health and wellness routine.  No therapist can get all the knots out in a single session, and whatever part of your lifestyle created the tension in the first place will probably still be waiting for you after you leave (unless you change it of course!  More on that in a future post!).  Massage has the added benefit of having a cumulative effect on the body, so the more you come, the more effective each session will be.  Coming more often will help optimize your body to heal whatever muscle ache ails you.  Once we’ve gotten you to full zen, you can space out your appointments and come in for regular body maintenance, just like you do with your car or bicycle.  



Call us!  If you have a question that wasn’t answered here, give us a call and ask away.  Lindsay, our Office Superhero, knows all about receiving massage.  Not sure which therapist to choose?  Lindsay has gotten work done by all of our therapists.  She can help you choose the right gal for the job.  


Hygge (And How To Not Electrocute Yourself In The Bathtub)

I do a lot of computer work in the bathtub. (Full battery, no charger connection.) As a matter of fact that's where I am right now. Why do I spend so much time in the bath?  If you are a regular clients of ours you know it's because of Epsom Salts. But also:


While I should have been tidying our books and updating staff bios, I was actually perusing our Facebook feed (what do you guys do at work??) and came across a New Yorker story about Hygge. The danish idea of a feeling of coziness is exactly what got me into this bath and like the writer of the story who orders 3 new blankets online because hers is too bumpy, can't find the right scent of candle, and leaves the heat on in her apartment with the window open, I'm struggling with how to execute it.

I think I first came across the idea from a documentary that also mentioned the feeling of flow increasing your overall happiness . I'd link to it but I don't have time to go back and watch the whole thing to make sure I'm citing it correctly so y'all just have to trust me. (As a side note, Happy is a really inspiring film.) My takeaway:

Flow + Hygge = Happiness

Well I've got the flow part down. That's my job! In massage school there's a little evaluation sheet after each clinic shift and Flow is one of the main criteria you'll be judged on. Of course, flow as an intention toward happiness is a little more involved but I really do feel I experience it on a daily basis. Basically, if you can move through your day easily, understanding the expectations and demands and it's within your capabilities to meet them, that's flow. I feel great about the work I do! I do feel like I can meet the expectations and demands of each of my clients and I always leave my sessions feeling refreshed, solid, and like we did GOOD work in there. 

That leaves Hygge.

I understand it to mean feeling cozy and comforted always. So I submerge myself in warm water while I do all my computer work. #AmIDoingItRight? I have no idea.

What I know is that we have very cozy rooms, table warmers at the ready, soft heavy blankets, and excellent Flow ratings on all of our evaluations in massage school. So while I may have to bring my computer in to the Apple store for water damage tomorrow, you can come experience Flow+Hygge in any of our massage rooms, anytime. We've got your perfect equation for happiness.


Area Woman Hates Everything, Tries Jogging

No one has time for anything—we barely have time to write this blog post—so when it comes to exercising, it’s understandable that it falls to the wayside. You’re married to your smartphone, you’re bending over backwards to be available, you have one thousand familial obligations to deal with, a never-ending list of errands plagues your days, and you and sleep have what could generously be called “a tumultuous relationship”: when exactly would you have time to run a 5k?

Unfortunately, all that stress sweat and overextending yourself that leaves you exhausted doesn’t count as an active lifestyle. You can be busy and engaged constantly but still technically be sedentary. We know, it’s a bunch of Grade-A garbage, but it’s true. This lack of on purpose exercise style moving and grooving is literally deadly.

Allow us to explain this in the form of horrifying statistics: Millions of people die each year from diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and certain forms of cancer that can, in many cases, be prevented. In the U.S. alone, $3 trillion were spent last year on health care. 75% of these costs go toward treating preventable diseases, while only 3% is being spent on preventative initiatives and programs. If that isn’t scary enough, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years. There has never been a more important time than RIGHT NOW to bring physical activity back into our lives.

Speaking of right now, registration is open at Million Mile Month! Million Mile Month is a one month virtual fitness event that happens each April. The good people at non-profit HealthCode™, challenge the Million Mile Month community to complete one million miles of physical activity, together as one community, during the month of April. The program encourages people to exercise and log their activity to track personal stats and contribute to the community wide goal of 1 million miles. During Million Mile Month 2015, 20,000+ participants from 13 countries logged over one million miles and 35 million minutes of activity. For the 2016 event, we think it'd be pretty neat if participation expanded. Health Code is hoping to reach over 30k+ participants and hit the 1.5 or even 2 million mile mark- how cool would that be?

Registration for the event at ranges from FREE to $50, and each level comes with different race perks! To make the event even more awesome, Million Mile Month has super cool prizes like new shoes, a bike, gift cards, and fitness accessories, that are given away as a celebration when the community passes MILEstones like 100,000 miles, 200,000 miles, etc. Who doesn’t love free things?

This April, we at Mantis a Massage encourage you to join us in taking on the Million Mile Month challenge. This is an awesome time to stand up against the nation’s health crisis and make a change for good. Register NOW!

Luci's Got a Playlist!

Set in Motion - Yuck feat. Sebastian Fors

Swing Lo Magellan - Dirty Projectors

Anemone - The Brian Jonestown Massacre

Reflections After Jane - The Clientele

Hybrid Moments - Helvetia

Ocean (Outake Version) - The Velvet Underground

True Blue - Dirty Beaches

I'll Be Around - Yo La Tengo

Paradise Circus - Massive Attack

Love Songs for Robots - Patrick Watson

Untitled - Interpol

Out of Tune - Real Estate

So Good at Being In Trouble - Unknown Mortal Orchestra

Lance Jr - Courtney Barnett

Check out Luci's playlist here! It's great for a relaxing, deep tissue massage peppered with some light conversation but also could go really well with some porch sitting, just putting that out there.

Emma's Playlist

Myth - Beach House

All I Know - Washed Out

Ali Farka - Afel Bocoum

Mon Enfant - M83

Swingset Chain - Loquat

Mangla Express - The Unseen Guest

Pete Standing Alone - Boards of Canada

Talisman - Air

Les Nuits - Nightmares on Wax

Tokyo Ghost Stories - Arovane

Midnight Feast - Mr Scruff

In honor of our therapist Emma returning to the fold, check out her playlist here! It's packed with some seriously ethereal jams, perfect for massages or conjuring spirits with your gals pals.

Ash's Playlist

Clementine - Sarah JAffe

Jolene- Ray LaMontagne

Three White Horses - Andrew Bird

My Silver Lining - First Aid Kit

Coffee - Sylvan Esso

Paper Heart - St Lucia

Green, Green Rocky Road - Oscar Isaac

Giant of Illinois - Andrew Bird

Postcards from Italy - Beirut

The Winner is - Devotchka


Check out this playlist here!  It's perfect for massages and being cute with your cutie friends who are just non-stop cuteness rollercoasters.

Lindsay's Playlist

The Last Time I Saw Richard - Joni Mitchell

Manha De Carnaval - Astrud Gilberto

Diamond Day - Vashti Bunyan

Moon River - Audrey Hepburn

Try to Make a Fire Burn Again - Dawn Landes

Corazon - Francisca Valenzuela

Il n'y a pas d'amour heureux - Francoise Hardy

Train Song - Vashti Bunyan

In the End - Charlotte Gainsbourg

Requiem - Frankie Rose

Waiting Around to Die - The Be Good Tanyas


Listen here! Our therapist Lindsay crafted this playlist for sessions, but you don't need to be looking into a face cradle to enjoy these tunes. It's a great mix of super talented ladies that spans languages, genres, and eras!

Quiet Like Early Morning


Our Own Pretty Ways - First Aid Kit

Jagadamba, You Might - First Aid Kit

Strange Love - Lucy Michelle and the Velvet Lapelles

Be All Be Easy - Woods

Riverside - Agnes Obel

Stolen Dance - Milky Chance

St. Paul - Lucy Michelle and the Velvet Lapelles

The Great Escape - Patrick Watson

West Coast (Rob Orton Mix) - Lana Del Rey

The Fountain - Future Islands


Check out this playlist here! It's the perfect mix for therapeutic massages or early-morning drives, maybe some into nature with the music on low enough for you to hear the world perk up around you.


Kylee's Playing Possum Playlist

Waking Up - Explosions in the Sky

Then the Quiet Explosion - Hammock

Daylight Goodbye - Message to Bears

Quiet - This Will Destroy You

Two Moons - Toe

Human Qualities - Explosions in the Sky

Beyond this Moment - Patrick O'Hearn

Bless the Morning Year - Hellos

Tracking Aeroplanes - The Echelon Effect

Passage - Lowercase Noises

Worth Everything Ever Wished For - The End of the Ocean

Twenttwofourteen - The Album Leaf

Check out Kylee's playlist here! For when being conscious is just not working for you! When you're like, "No, thank you" to the sunshine and the him drum-ery of life. And request this playlist for your next session! 


I See My Mother - POLICA

Dark Star - POLICA

Fist, Talk, Money - POLICA

Disco//very - Warpaint

Billie Holiday - Warpaint

Keep It Healthy - Warpaint

Mushaboom - Feist

Clean Slate - M. Ward

Pulaski at Night - Andrew Bird

Fake Palindromes - Andrew Bird

Heartbeats - Jose Gonzalez

There Is A Light that Never Goes Out - The Smiths

Southern Sun - Boy & Bear

If I Ever Feel Better - Phoenix

Glory and Gore - Lorde

Only for You - Heartless Bastards

Somebody that I Used to Know - Gotye

Hall Bop - Django Django

You Woke Me Up! - Andrew Bird

Wild West End - Dire Straits

Under the Pressure - The War on Drugs

Day is Done - Nick Drake

Jagadamba, You Might - First Aid Kit

Baby's Arms - Kurt Vile

Fineshrine - Purity Ring

Emmylou - First Aid Kit

Have a listen here! It's quite the gem and perfect for some bedroom dancing. Groovin' is obviously great for massage but also works for building a fort with a metric ton of twinkle lights. It's a playlist that makes you want to do something deserving of its quiet adorableness.

Karey's Lady Mix

Mahna De Carnaval by Astrud Gilberto

Quelqu'un M'a Dit by Carla Bruni

Diamond Day by Vashti Bunyan

Period Blue by Jane Birkin

Moon River by Audrey Hepburn

Try to Make a Fire Burn Again by Dawn Landes

Corazon by Francisca Valenzuela

Il n'y a pas d'amour hereux by Francoise Hardy

Train Song by Vashti Bunyan

In the End by Charlotte Gainsbourg

Requiem by Frankie Rose

Waiting Around to Die by The Be Good Tanyas

Dark Eyes by Dawn Landes

Jardin d'hiver by Karen Ann

Something On Your Mind by Karen Dalton

Sweetest Decline by Beth Orton

Ce Matin-La by Barbara

How Insensitive by Astrud Gilberto

Don't Explain by Nina Simone

Call Me the Breeze by Beth Orton

The Fall by Frankie Rose

Chimacum Rain by Linda Perhacs

Check out Karey's playlist here! It's the perfect this-is-so-adorable background mix that works for date nights or kicking it with your girls. (Also works pretty well as massage music so don't be shy about requesting it the next time you see her!)

Really, Really, Really Sad Music


 Billie Holiday by Warpaint

Brand New Manic Brain Holder by Stephen Steinbrink

Lullaby + Exhale by M. Ward

Close My Eyes by Arthur Russell

Dead City Emily - Demo by Marissa Nadler

No One Is (As I Are Be) by Stephen Malkmus

Mother by Low

Crush On by Pregnant

Gone Tomorrow by Lambchop

Girl from the North Country by Bob Dylan, Johnny Cash

Show Me the Place by Leonard Cohen

Here is a playlist for when you're really sad but you're into it; you want to drag it out with melodic music and staring out of windows. And you just cry so delicately and you're so beautiful and you're crying and your tears are so beautiful and SAD. You can ask our therapists to play it during your next session and in the meantime, use it to fuel your melancholy!

Sweet Throwback Tunes by Monica

Mood Indigo by Nina Simone

I've Got a Woman by Ray Charles

Here Comes the Sun by Nina Simone

The Dock of the Bay by Otis Redding

Baby I'm a Fool by Melody Gardot

Trust in Me by Etta James

Save Your Love for Me by Etta Jones

I Need You So by Elvis Presley

Super Duper Love by Joss Stone

My Girl by Otis Redding

If the Stars Were Mine by Melody Gardot

I Miss You So by Nat King Cole

Sound like something you'd ike to listen to? Request it during your next massage with Monica or Hey, just simulate the same relaxing vibes and listen to it on your drive to work with this link!

Take Care of Your Body: Stretch, Hydrate, and Reward Yourself


In partnership with Million Mile Month, a cause that promotes Texans running, walking, or riding a collective 1 million miles during the month of April, we will be offering some health tips to keep you feeling your best this Spring. Follow us at to hear even more.

The best way to prevent injury is to stretch before and after your workouts. Here's how it's done: Warm up with 10 minutes of light outdoor cardio exercises, then do dynamic stretching -- as in, stretching while moving. This includes lunges, touching your toes and walking your hands forward, swinging your legs while standing and twisting from side to side. After your workout, complete "static" stretches -- a.k.a. your typical "touch and hold" routine. Yoga, Pilates, and dance classes are also great ways to stay flexible.

Avoid muscle cramping and fatigue by drinking about two liters of water a day, and 17 ounces about two hours before exercising. Another general rule of thumb: The more you sweat, the more fluids you need to replace, so drink up after a vigorous workout. Use stainless steel bottles to avoid some of the chemicals associated with certain plastic varieties.

Don't forget to take care of your hard-worked body! A sports massage is the perfect way to pamper yourself, while alleviating toxins and speeding up muscle recovery. Even if you can't get a massage as frequently as you’d like, you can still get your hands on the muscle-soothing cream their therapists swear by: Topricin. Rub this fast-absorbing topical pain reliever on after a tough workout and your muscles will thank you.

As you get back to training in the Spring, you may have some minor muscle aches and soreness. But if you have any unusual pain or a soreness that doesn't go away, pay attention. You may be on the way to an injury. It's important to listen to your body and not overdo it.

Varying your workouts can improve help you performance and reduce risk of overuse injuries. By participating in a variety of different activities, such as running, weight training, hiking, bootcamp classes or biking, you limit the stress on one specific muscle group, because different activities use muscles in slightly different ways.


Sleepy Monday Morning Playlist

Chances are, if you're hearing this playlist you've either downloaded if from this post, or you're getting a deep tissue from one of us on a Monday morning. We love this playlist because it starts out dreamy and playful and toward the end gets us a little pumped for the day. You can also follow us on Spotify to see what we're playing and when.

You Woke Me Up!-Andrew Bird

Emancipated Hearts-Dean Wareham

Beauty-The Shivers

Comin Down-Anais Mitchell

Eyes on the Prize-M. Ward

Epilogue-The Antlers

Swimming-Breathe Owl Breathe

In A Dream it Seemed Real-Islands

And more...

Download the playlist here.




Create a "Clean Slate"


In partnership with Million Mile Month, a cause that promotes Texans running, walking, or riding a collective 1 million miles during the month of April, we will be offering some health tips to keep you feeling your best this Spring. Follow us at to hear even more.

Get rid of foods low in nutritional value, like chips, pretzels, sugary cereals, white bread, and even those 100 calorie snack packs. Instead, hit the farmers market. Take in some spring sunshine while you shop for fresh fruits and veggies. Other foods worth keeping around include fish, dried fruits, and nuts.

As you make excursions to outdoor markets, taking in the beautiful spring weather, you will no doubt find that you are suddenly spending considerably more time in the sun. This means more vitamin D, but it also means that your skin is exposed to harmful UV rays. Apply waterproof lotion with at least SPF 15 over exposed areas of your body. Don't forget easy-to-miss areas like behind your ears, the back of your neck and the crease near your underarms.

When you begin to plan your spring workout regimen, instead of designing goals based purely on weight loss, concentrate on how you feel. If counting calories has you down, think in terms of portions instead. Constantly checking the clock during your workout? Chances are you need to find a sport or activity you actually enjoy. Additionally, update your music selection! Find new tracks that really get you going and make you feel like working out.