What Is Massage Therapy & How Can It Help You?


Massage therapy is a technique used by certified, trained professionals who manipulate your soft tissue. Soft tissue includes your muscles, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue, and skin. By manipulating your soft tissue massage therapists are able to treat a multitude of physical and mental health problems.  

What are the Health Benefits of Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy targets both your physical and mental health. Similar to acupuncture and chiropractic treatments, massage therapy began as a technique of eastern medicine, but because of its health benefits, massage therapy studios are now found all over the world. Massage therapy does everything from relieving stress and anxiety to helping clients recover from injury. 

Choosing Your Preferred Massage Method

There are many different types of massage therapy; the best type of massage therapy for you depends on your specific goals and body. You can read more about our full list of massage therapy services, but here are a few of our clients’ favorites. 

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is the most common type of massage therapy, and many other types of massage are based on the fundamentals of Swedish massage. Swedish massages utilize five main types of massage strokes to relax your muscles, soothe your mind, and provide overall wellness. 

Swedish massages are ideal for when you just want to sit back, relax, and enjoy a classic massage. 


Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage uses more intense pressure than other types of massages. Deep tissue massage can target specific problems, such as posture, issues with scar tissue, and inflammation. Deep tissue massages are recommended if you have chronic tension that may not be totally relieved by a traditional massage. 

Myofascial Therapy

Myofascial therapy focuses on connective tissue called fascia, which surrounds many important parts of your body including your organs, blood vessels, and muscles. This type of therapy releases tension in the fascia, which is the connective tissue running through your entire body. Myofascial therapy is particularly beneficial for athletes and people suffering from chronic pain. 


Cupping uses different tools in order to create a vacuum, stimulating blood flow. The massage therapist will use “cups” which may be made from silicon, glass, or bamboo, and you may notice gentle pressure. Experiencing marks from the cups is common and nothing to be worried about. 

For many types of massage, getting consistent appointments will amplify the benefits. Frequent deep tissue massages, for instance, will prevent your body from becoming too tense or wound up. Speak with your massage therapist to determine the right schedule for your time, budget, and body.

Why Choose Mantis Massage

Mantis Massage specializes in customizing massages for each client’s specific needs, body type, and goals. Mantis takes the time to get to know you, and they really listen to the issues you are having with your body, your mind, and your health. Mantis Massage even takes the time to give you tips at the end of every session tailored to your body, so you can continue the process of healing - even at home. 

Book an appointment at our Airport or South Congress location!